Publisher | DC Comics/ Kenner |
Issue # | N/A |
Comic Era | Copper Age |
Grade/Condition | N/A |
Remarks/Notes |
Canadian Shell gasoline stations featured a Super Powers promotion in 1985. Consumers were afforded the opportunity to purchase one of eight specially carded Super Powers action figures with a fill-up of 25 liters (litres) or more. This promotional flyer served to advertise the promotion and gave consumers and additional benefit in the form of a coupon for one free action figure with purchase of 25 liters (litres). The bottom fourth of the flyer houses the detachable coupon, which interestingly enough could not be used for the Superman figure. All Super Powers collectors are probably familiar with the promotion whether they know it or not. Each of the 8 figures were packaged on small cards lacking the typical comic book found in the larger Canadian and American packaging. The eight figures involved in the promotion included: Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Firestorm, Red Tornado, and Martian Manhunter. Overall the 1st series characters tend to show up carded on the collector's market in higher quantities than the 2nd series characters, however assembling a complete set is fairly easy. Larger quantities of the more well known 1st series characters were likely produced, explaining their higher abundance. The smaller packaging was created in order to minimize the amount of retail space taken up by the carded figures. A small Shell Gas Station does not have the vast product space found in normal retail outlets like Toys R Us, etc. Although the small cards were exclusively produced for this promotion, some made their way to the United States and were sold through the now defunct Toy Liquidators chain. I can personally attest to purchasing a small carded Wonder Woman figure at Toy Liquidators during the late 80's. The chain likely acquired overstock from the Canadian promotion for sale in their discount toy stores. |
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